How to use your medical Insurance | Pall Mall
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Private GP Appointments | Pall Mall

Corporate Medical Insurance

Simple steps for using medical insurance

Pall Mall Medical will go through all the steps with you. We have simplified the process in order for you to use your health insurance without the barriers that normally exist, and will confirm cover with the insurer at each stage of your treatment.

To make things easier for you, we have direct settlement arrangements with all the major insurance companies.

You may need to pay any insurance excess or shortfall.

1. The employee has some symptoms which require medical attention:
  • Employee visits and chooses the service required.
  • Employee contacts his/her insurance company to check coverage for the planned treatment.
2. Enquire and make an appointment to get a referral letter:
  • Enquire on our website or call Pall Mall Medical and receive a speedy response from our Sales Consultants.
  • The employee offered a 5-minute free of charge telephone consultation with a Pall Mall Medical GP to obtain a referral letter to see a consultant - the employee does not have to see his/her own NHS GP.
  • The employee has a 5-minute free of charge telephone consultation with one of our GPs.
  • GP provides referral letter for a consultant, if appropriate.
3. Arrange an appointment with a specialist consultant:
  • Pall Mall Medical arranges a specialist consultation for employee — 95% of the time, this appointment will be within a few days.
  • Specialist consults with the employee.
  • If the employee needs medication, we can provide it — saving a trip to the pharmacy.
  • Should further treatment/tests be needed, we will arrange everything at a time that fits in with the employee’s schedule. Tests & diagnostics, such as X-ray, MRI or a CT scan, can be performed and reported on speedily.
  • The employee receives results and is given peace of mind or further investigations and treatment plan.

Always here to help, whenever you need us

Our expert team are always here to help, advise and arrange appointments with our specialist consultants.